Consider the values associated with your forest. Rate the following from 1 - Very Low, 2 - Low, 3 - Neutral, 4 - High, and 5 - Very High. If the value is not applicable, select NA - Not Applicable. If unsure, select UN - Unsure.
Name: Email:
1. Maintain habitat for certain wildlife 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure Please specify wildlife if applicable:
2. Maintain forest for revenue 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure Check all that apply: Nuts seedsChristmas treesFirewoodTimberLeased huntingHoneyMushroomsMedicinalsAgritourismOther If Other, specify:
3. Provide private recreation for family 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure Check all that apply: Hike/walkView natureOff-road vehiclesBirdwatchHunt game animalsShed huntMushroom huntMountain bikeSkiSnowmobileSnowshoeOther If Other, explain:
4. Provide recreation for others 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure Explain:
5. Work in the woods 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure Please describe the time, experience, and equipment you have or would like to have:
6. Grow trees, shrubs, or wildflowers that can better shelter _____ from the wind, spray drift, or snow 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure Check all that apply: CropsLivestockPeopleStructuresRoadsLanes
7. Develop land with building site, housing, or roads 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure Explain:
8. Expand forage quantity and quality 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure Ideal herd size / animals units:
9. Develop land for livestock grazing: (pasture, rotational, mob, MIG, silvopasture, or graze timber) 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
10. Restrict livestock access to woodlands 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
11. Protect water quality 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
12. Build new or refurbish fishing pond 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
13. Protect land from flooding 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
14. Slow, end, and/or prevent soil erosion 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
15. Protect wetlands 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
16. Maintain a healthy forest 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
17. Privacy, peace and solitude 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
18. Scenery (views, special trees, rock formations, special areas, etc.) 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
19. Cut fuelwood for personal use 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
20. Exempt acres from property tax 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
21. Develop an estate plan 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
22. Protect from development 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
23. Protect rare and endangered plants 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
24. Protect rare and endangered animals 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
25. Maintain habitat with diverse plants & animals 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
26. Protect historic and prehistoric features 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
27. Limit the use of the land by others 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
28. Protect land with conservation easement 1 - Very Low2 - Low3 - Neutral4 - High5 - Very HighNA - Not ApplicableUN - Unsure
29. Other:
30. Comments on the most important values that you place on your land:
31. Comments on your goals and objectives for the property :
32. What would you like your land to be and look like in twenty years?
33. What activities have you conducted on your land to achieve your goals?
34. What factors have limited you from achieving your goals?
35. What assistance do you need to help you reach your goals?